59 According to the Information Bureau of Industry and Commerce Bureau records show that, at present, the city registered
the advertising production company. Lusong District on July 1 is the industry\\ s well-known advertising street, where they
gather about 20 advertising production company. But their size is not large, the number of employees are mostly no more than
20 people.
\"The remediation on the line, should be a \\ shuffle\\ .\" Li Junhui is a word to seek the person in charge of the world
advertising companies in the advertising production has been 23 years, the dynamics of the industry familiar with the heart.
In 2007, Li Junhui transformation produced LED luminous characters, then the unit price per square meter up to three or
four thousand, profit is up to about 50%. Visionary customers are willing to spend the money. \"Said Li Junhui, than ordinary
billboards, LED luminous characters, LED display with color, light-emitting long-lasting, energy-saving advantages, quickly
sought after by the market.