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quick exhaust valve - China Manufacturer
Thank you for inquiry my quick exhaust valve, Tel:0086-574-88869817, Email:jelpc@jelpc.com
Scope: quick exhaust valve <large diameter exhaust valve> used independent heating system, central heating system, heating boilers, central air conditioning,
underfloor heatin g and solar heating systems, exhaust pipes. Because the water is usually dissolved in some of the air, and the air of the solution
Solution increases as the temperature decreases, so that the water gas during the cycle gradually separated from the water and gradually gather together to form large
bubbles or column, as the supplementary water, so often a gas generation. This will give birth to the exhaust valve which an extension
Word in everyday life also solves many problems.
Advantages: 1. Rapid exhaust valve float using low-density PP material, this material even after prolonged immersion in hot water will not produce distortion. Buoy
activities will not cause difficulties.
(2) with hard plastic float lever, the lever and the coupling between the buoy and the holder are connected using the activity, they will not rust in the long run, the
system could not work and water leakage.
3 the sealing end por tion of the lever is spring-supported, can vary with the movement of the lever corresponding to expansion, to ensure that the exhaust gas in the
case without sealing. quick exhaust valves