As an overpressure protection device. When the device, container, or inside the pipe when the pressure rises to exceed the allowable value, the valve automatically opens, and then the whole amount of emissions in order to prevent the equipment, containers, or piping, and pressure continues to rise; when the pressure is reduced to a predetermined value, the valve should be automatically promptly closed, thereby protecting the safe operation of equipment, containers, or tubing.
Steam traps: the medium of conveying steam, compressed air, etc., there will be some condensate formed in order to ensure the efficiency and safe operation of the device, it should be promptly emissions of these useless and harmful media to ensure that the consumption and use of the device. It has the following effects:
(1) can quickly rule out the condensate;angle seat valve
(2) to prevent the leakage of steam;
(3) the exclu sion of air and other non-condensable gases.
Valve: by adjusting the inlet pressure is reduced to a desired outlet pressure, and rely on the energy of the medium itself automatically to maintain the stability of the valve, so that the outlet pressure.
Check valve: also known as reflux valve, check valve, back pressure valve and check valve. These valves rely on the force generated by the flow of the medium itself in the pipeline to automatically turn on and off, is an automatic valve. Check valve for piping systems, its main role is to prevent the media back to prevent the reversal of the pump and drive motor, and the discharge of the container medium. The check valve can also be used to the pressure may rise to more than the system pressure auxiliary system supplies pipeline. Can be divided into Swing (rotation by the center of gravity) and lift (along the axis movement).pneumatic accessory